Food Services

Hot Lunch Programs

City Schools offers a hot lunch program for all students at both the Elementary, Middle and Senior High Campus. 

 Springfield School District is pleased to offer a hot lunch program each and every school day for our students.  Please read through these items below to learn more about the details of the program. 

 There are choices of a 2oz. meal for $2.80 or a 4oz. meal for $3.90.  Both are complete meals that come with choice of milk or juice.  The four ounce portion gets double the entrée of a 2 oz. (i.e. 2 hamburgers, 2 sandwiches, 8 chicken nuggets, 2 hot dogs, 2 tacos). 

 If your child does not like the hot lunch option, you may purchase a peanut butter or turkey sandwich bag lunch for $2.80 which includes fruit, chips, cookie and milk or juice.  Sandwich lunches are not available on Fridays. 

You also have the option of ordering an entrée only for $1.50 if your child does not like the side items.  This would not come with a drink. You may order a drink and pay $.40 more or pack a drink.  You may also order a double entrée only for $3.00.  You can indicate this by writing X2 by the entrée only choice and circling it. 

Milk or juice is included with all 2 oz and 4 oz meals and bag lunches.  You can purchase milk or juice alone also for $.40 if you are packing a lunch or ordering entrée only. We usually have grape juice and fruit juice. 

 The menu has a left and right side.  Please circle both sides of the menu.  The left side is for you to keep so you can remember which days you need to pack lunch.  The right side needs to be filled out properly and returned to school with your child by the designated due date.  The menu codes are:

This is a test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eget magna erat. Aliquam accumsan, velit at porta ullamcorper, lacus leo accumsan massa, vel sodales sem lectus at neque. Sed vitae erat eu odio iaculis auctor ut congue lacus. Nulla semper vehicula lacus, ut ullamcorper libero volutpat vel. Fusce vitae felis ornare, eleifend arcu sed, euismod libero. Mauris sollicitudin, est eget fermentum imperdiet, leo lorem viverra augue, id sagittis arcu sem et elit. Fusce facilisis elit augue. Mauris ac aliquet mauris, eget eleifend tortor. Quisque commodo finibus tincidunt. Donec imperdiet urna nulla, ut vestibulum ligula ultricies id. Nullam scelerisque quam non velit finibus tempus. Suspendisse non quam eu nisi interdum luctus facilisis in lacus. Curabitur dignissim augue et velit mollis, eu semper leo dictum.